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Need a VIN Verification?

Avoid DMV headaches
have a Licensed Verifier
come to you or complete


California DMV certified

We can provide vin verification services for any california resident. Book an appointment with us to get the proper REG 31 document completed in order to satisfy the DMV regulation for proper vin verification.

the reg 31 for for your verification

Bring your vehicle to our location or complete via **FACETIME: $70.00

Request a mobile inspection: $70 plus $0.65 per mile *round trip


  1. All locations are weather permitting

  2. The travel rate is in addition the certification

  3. Rates are subject to change

  4. Special rates for repeat and commercial customers

  5. All salvage vehicles, branded titles, Revived or Parts vehicles. Motorcycles without the ORIGINAL engine, Incomplete/hobby project vehicles and Specially constructed or Home built trailers MUST GO TO THE CHP OR DMV, NO EXCEPTIONS. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹



a clipboard with prices sitting on a desk in a office at a car dealership.jpg

Call or text 209.215.2641 to book your appointment or email us here

**FACETIME: $25.00 surcharge which includes standard mailing fees, overnight fees are extra.
*Round Trip fee is calculated from our location address to your destination and is seperate from the certificate fee.

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